Sunday, August 7, 2011


I have enjoyed this summer so much, I really hate to see it end.  One of the best things about this summer is that my kids are older.  Don't get me wrong, I know they will be grown before I know it, but now they are old enough to do more for themselves...freeing up more of my time.  I have stayed up late, gotten up early, gone to breakfast with friends, taken the kids to movies and out to eat....pretty much anything I wanted.

I have felt more like myself this summer than I have in years and part of that is because my husband has encouraged me to do things that I want to do and let other things go.  So sometimes my floors have been dirty and my laundry piled up, but I have had a blast at a flea market or refinishing a piece of furniture. 

I am excited about going back to school though.  I have had a really creative summer-lots of sanding, stripping, painting, and playing-so I am pretty inspired about getting back into the art room.  I have some fun projects planned to get this year started, and I hope the kids think they are as fun as I do.

I am going to miss cleaning house in my gown and not showering til noon, staying up late watching tv, reading in the bathtub for an hour, and all of those things we can do when we don't have a schedule.  So, to all my teacher friends-set those alarms, take those vitamins and let's do this thing!!

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